Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Interview with Jojo Corväiá of Arabica Lounge

Arabica Lounge

1550 E Olive Way

Seattle, WA 98102



What inspired you to open such a beautiful cafe in Seattle?

I always wanted to do something with food and drinks, and the loss of my family (partner and son) triggered this situation. I was doing art direction for commercial photography for over 20 years and decided to change careers for something I feel very passioned about. It is also a survival thing, a business that connects me with interesting people every day, with decision making, challenges... also with art, beauty, and most important, human interaction.

What drew you to the Northwest and where do you hail from?

I was living in South Florida before... not my cup of tea.

What is your culinary history, where did you learn to bake like that?

I'm not trained in any culinary school. I just like it, and I guess this is just the reflexion of my own taste

The furniture, did you shop for years or did you go on a shopping spree?

The furniture is actually the furniture of my house. I have had it for years, now it's being shared with strangers every day.

Who are your favorite designers/artists/musicians?

that is a very complex question. I may have way too many references to mention.

What has been Arabica's most popular food item?

As I anticipated, the "Luchador Cake", "Soldier's Eggs", "Anything with Salmon", and our "Vegan zucchini bread"

Do you have aspirations to open a restaurant some day?

I would like to see Arabica grow first... and eventually will expand but not as a chain of Arabicas. Arabica is a life style, so maybe the next Arabica will be a hotel, a laundry bar, or a general store...

Is the accent on the A or the i?

on the "a". Arabica is the type of coffee beans we serve. They are original from Ethiopia.

Your dogs are adorable what are their names?

Doménico (white) and Khala (black)

Dark, Milk or White chocolate?

dark of course, 80% cocoa.

Beach or Mountains?

From Florida to Washington...

Walk or Bike?


Vanilla or Chocolate?


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